Illustration of Ian Webster by Risko
Ian Webster is a commercial illustrator and writer. While freelancing for the past 20 years, he's created illustrations for companies such as Nestlé, Starbucks Coffee Company, Microsoft, Unilever, the NBA,, Nintendo of America and Coca-Cola. One of his most recognizable brand marks is the illustrated scene on the Deer Park Water label. His first significant experience as a commercial artist was working for Starbucks Coffee just as the company was going national and then international. Ian illustrated over thirty Starbucks travel mugs. As a writer Ian provided stories and captions supporting Magda's photo-essays for the New Yorker Magazine and wrote of their adventures in the travel blog entitled "North via South". A native of Seattle, Washington, Ian got his BA in Graphic Design at Cornish College of the Arts and after graduating worked briefly as a graphic designer before realizing all he really wanted to do was draw pictures and write stories.